Saturday, 5 November 2016

Outfit du Jour: Gucci, please.

Shop the Look: Lingua Franca Sweater, Illesteva Sunglasses, Gucci Skirt, Gucci loafers, Gucci Body Bag ...
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Friday, 4 November 2016

A Little Note

/ Jeans / Jacket / Hat / Shoes / Top / I feel weird about blogging, for some reason it doesn't feel like my place anymore since getting all cosy over on my Youtube Channel. Sort of like when you meet a new partner and you're with them for a bit and then feel a bit weird going on a night out with your mates. After being all safe and spending all your time with them but going back to your friends is all great fun but it still feeling like you saw them yesterday. Blogging is hard, harder than it's ever been before. I think I got bored of it because it's just not my style, the in vogue thing with blogging is much more polished and perfected - but the reason I turned to blogging was to get away from all that. Not that I dont love all the awesomeness...
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Style Update: The Marina Rinaldi Tsumori Chisato Collaboration

When you mention the designer name Tsumori Chisato in fashionable circles, you can see people's faces light up with the joy that is reflected in the designer's prints and shapes in fashion.  This is a name that is synonymous with fun in fashion. The creative genius of this Japanese designer is unparalleled and is a true celebration of everything fashion is supposed to be - fun! So, when Marina Rinaldi announced their collaboration with the designer in late 2015, I knew this would be a meeting of creative minds that I would love to feature here on FFG. The first pictures of Tsumori Chisato for Marina Rinaldi collaboration were breathtaking. Bold prints, sweeping bows and exaggerated shapes in each piece for spring summer introduced us to a collection that would surely sell out. After...
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Thursday, 3 November 2016

A Lesson in Being Basic: Urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics

Urban Decay Ultimate Naked Basics £38.50* When I heard Urban Decay were doing ANOTHER Naked Palette I rolled my eyes, made a joke about it being redundant and then instantly made a mental note that I need it in my life because well... you know... THERES ALWAYS SPACE IN MY LIFE FOR MORE BROWN EYESHADOWS. Believe it or not the Naked Basics 1 Palette has been my most reached for of the countless additions to the Naked Family. The shimmery shades of 1, 2 and especially three are barely reached for since I decided sparkly eyeshadow gets into all my crows feet and makes me look about 50 despite being 26. Smokey... I like you but you were a little dry to use and smokey shadow 'aint an everyday thing so I'll pass on you you. But gimmie a nice warm matte and I'll be purring like a little kitty. In...
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Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Escape to the country: A Londoner's dream weekend away in Wales

After 14 years of living it large in London, I have finally figured out that the key to continually loving this city is leaving often, as often as possible in fact. That may be why so many of you have country homes. You escape to blissful silence and regain some sense of normal in the world and then return to the hustle and bustle of the city with renewed spirit and wonderment. Last month, I met a cottage that confirmed that this was the way forward. Mr. FFG and I found a fabulous place via Sugar and Loaf,  a website that specialises in hiring out private cottages in Wales. I say a "fabulous place", but really I should call it a "famous place" as I knew all about the property before I read a single word on the site. If you're a fan of the show Grand Designs, you are in for a real...
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Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Style Update: Autumnal Bliss

If it seems like I'm hanging onto that dear pumpkin for dear live in all pictures herewith, it's because I most certainly am. This is my favorite time of year not only because of the crisp and chilly weather but also because of the food. Big surprise there, right? All foods become about comfort and every other recipe seems to call for pumpkin. Hello, baked bliss. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin .... ok, I'm starting to sound like the pumpkin version of Bubba Gump Shrimp, I'll stop now. The point I'm trying to make is that pumpkins may get their big debut on Halloween, but they truly are an all season staple. Whether you are setting out for a pumpkin latte or just keeping your front porch in an autumnal spirit, this is the "fruit" (yes, I looked that up) that keeps on giving.  What...
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How to choose decorations for a cozy bedroom

Everybody knows that the bedroom is a special area of ​​relaxation and comfort at home. Comfort in the bedroom depends on many things, the color of the walls and ceilings in the bedroom is no less important than the details of decoration and bedding. When making a bedroom people often do not consider many essential things that affect the whole mood of the room. For example, decorations. You may choose nice wall colors, but some drawing can improve the whole look! What are the colors that are the most preferred ones for the picture above the bed? You can select the picture that will reflect the color of your bedroom, or add a small splash of bright color in the dark corner. Paintings of contrast color will suit well the linens of the same or similar colors. Decorative pillows The...
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Monday, 31 October 2016

Outfit du Jour: My go-to holiday skirt!

Shop The Look: Marina Rinaldi Fringed Tube Skirt, Uniqlo Sweater, Fendi Clutch, Aquazzura Heels ...
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Sunday, 30 October 2016

Style Update: Country Roaming in Wales

An exciting, non fashion related update, folks: a UK driver's license is officially in the works. Don't get me started on the fact that I have to retake every test even though I've been driving in the USA since I was 16. Frustrating to say the least. But, once said license comes through you will be seeing a lot more country pictures, like the ones you see here now. These are just the beginning and they are in part thanks to a rather lovely and obliging boyfriend who plays chauffeur on the weekends and knows how to throw around a camera. Wait a second, does that make him an "instagram husband?" Eek. If it seems as if my smile is a little more natural and my general "atmosphere" is more pleasant, it would be because I am no where near a city. I am in the country, in Wales, where the air...
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