Wednesday 13 August 2014

Cara Delevingne set to be the next Bond girl?

Honestly, Cara Delevingne is unstoppable at the moment and seemingly everywhere. The model/actress has her own line with Mulberry, endless campaigns for the season and a role in the latest Peter Pan movie. We did have our thinking caps on for what could be next but what HAS come next never ever appeared in our wildest dreams.

Rumours are circulating that Cara Delevingne will be the next Bond girl, as in James Bond. Apparently it was the ultimate dream of Cara's to star in a Bond film. And Glamour is reporting that the producers of the film have already spoken to Cara about being involved. Yowsers. We did not see that coming. Daniel Craig and Cara Delevingne, in action, on screen, in 2015? Watch this space...

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