Thursday 12 May 2016

The Haute Couture Atelier of Aston Martin

Aston Martin Factory
Aston Martin Factory
Since starting FFG over seven years ago, I have had the great pleasure of visiting countless workshops and ateliers with some of the world's most respected and cherished fashion brands. I've seen everything from the birth of a Birkin bag to the setting of some of Van Cleef & Arpel's finest jewels. With each visit, I have found a new appreciation for the value of handcrafted goods. The fine art of hand craftsmanship is not a dying profession, but it is one that has definitely grown more scarce since machines have taken over so much of the manufacturing that exists today. So, when I'm presented with an opportunity to highlight a brand that is continuing on in the art of fine creation, I scream my support from every rooftop I can find. Last month I had the opportunity to visit Aston Martin's "factory" in Gaydon, here in the UK. Although, truth be known, this was the least factory-like place I have ever visited. In fact, I don't even feel comfortable calling this a factory. Visiting the birthplace of Aston Martin vehicles was more like visiting the atelier of an haute couture designer. So let's just call this the Atelier Aston Martin introduction.

Aston Martin Factory
Aston Martin Factory
Even driving into the Aston Martin headquarters, one is keenly aware that this isn't your average workplace. The refined beauty and incredible class that come with every Aston Martin is equally represented in the Aston Martin headquarters with neutral coloured buildings that respect their surroundings but also help to highlight the beautiful vehicles on display in and around them. There's even a car suspended on water in the entrance. Yes, queue the "walking on water" jokes - we couldn't help ourselves.

Upon entering the Aston Martin complex, it is no surprise that you are confronted with the fleet of cars that currently represent the brand out and about on the road. This charge was led by none other than the DB11 - which will hit the roads in September and is currently in production behind closed doors at the factory. But, Aston Martin are all too happy to showcase their more elite vehicles as well - showcasing everything from the Vulcan (a car that is "track only") to their new concept for a cross over vehicle.
Aston Martin Factory
Aston Martin Factory
Now, for those of you unfamiliar with the Aston Martin brand, allow me a moment of imparting some essential history. Since 1913, Aston Martin has been in the business of cars - sensationally beautiful and extremely speedy vehicles that are as much about visual perfection as they are the ability to burn rubber. Over the years, the company has changed hands here and there, but has always been respected as a legendary British brand that absolutely must stand the test of time. Of course, it is perhaps most well known because of its partnership with a certain discerning gentleman - 007, of course. James Bond first drove an Aston Martin in 1964. It was the gorgeous Sean Connery that sat behind the wheel of the DB5 (still considered by many to be the most beautiful car in the world) for the Bond classic- "Goldfinger." Since then, every Bond has favoured the brand and it's not hard to see why.

While the Aston Martin vehicles have most certainly changed in shape and size over time, as was evident when walking the long hall of history before we entered the factory floor, there are certain things that will never change at Aston Martin - mainly the construction of the cars themselves. As Marek Reichman, Chief Creative Officer of Aston Martin, explained - the human senses of touch and sight are still unmatched when it comes to machines. And this is the reason why the world's more beautiful, most treasured, and most expensive luxuries are still made by hand, including Aston Martins.

Now, follow me into the Aston Martin Atelier.
Aston Martin Factory
Aston Martin Factory
Aston Martin Factory
Aston Martin Factory
I can't help but draw immediate parallels between some of the finest workshops in Paris and the floor of the Aston Martin factory. The men and women that work here are trained professionals that have been here for decades, producing fine vehicles for the world's elite. Each Aston Martin is not only created by a human being, it's constantly evaluated and tested by a human being. Every single stitch of leather on a seat or dashboard is all done by hand and in a fashion that would make one think they are sitting on the factory floor of Hermes, not a car manufacturer. There is a rhythm here that reflects the beauty of the car itself. The factory floor is not at all what I would have come to expect from a car manufacturer. It's so clean one could sit for afternoon tea and eat right off the concrete floors. What was I expecting? I think somehow I thought this would look more like a mechanic's shop and less like a floor of Mr. Clean's dreams.

While we toured the Aston Martin Factory at Gaydon, we were given the complete look at how a car is created from design to delivery. Now I won't give away the magic of it all - as truly some details I was geeking-out over are so technical I fear boring the pants off of you. But, I will say I have a new appreciation for how an Aston Martin is made. Each car, I like to think, comes with its own family, from the leather worker to the final inspector. And we had the opportunity to go in and meet the family behind the car that we would be driving for the weekend (more on that later). Talk about changing the way in which you drive a car - knowing absolutely every ounce of effort that went into making it.
Aston Martin Factory
Aston Martin Factory
Aston Martin Factory
Aston Martin Factory
I walked out of the Aston Martin factory excited for the future of the brand. The Aston Martin family that exists in and out of the factory is unparallelled. There is a passion for employment here, a feeling as if you are part of an innovative explosion of talent. And it is all dangerously infectious. I kid you not - I left wondering if I could come back and ask for a job on any level. I have never encountered a brand that was more dedicated to the beauty and soul of its product. To hear Marek Reichman speak of the process of design with Aston Martin can only be compared to someone talking about the birth of a child or perhaps, more appropriately suited, the construction of their first couture gown. There is passion found here at Aston Martin, with every employee and with every owner.

Now, while a tour of the factory is not yet open to the general public - you never know when this could possibly change. I'll be the first to tell you if it does. For now, I'll just leave you with this first look to whet your appetite. Hope you enjoyed it. Now - off to enjoy the sunshine in an Aston Martin Vanquish Volante.
Aston Martin Factory
Aston Martin Factory
Ps. If you're in the market for an Aston Martin, check out my dream process of creating a car bespoke to you - Q by Aston Martin. Appropriately named, right? ]

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Wednesday 11 May 2016

The New New Spring Uniform

Eeep. These photos are from ages ago but I have some outfits from ages ago to share and I thought I better get my butt into action and y'know share them. My hair looks well short here even though it was probably only back in March. Who knew it grew so quickly? MADNESS.

Leopard coat TICK
White tee TICK
Black Skinny Jeans TICK
Fedora TICK
Stan Smiths TICK

P. Much the outfit combo I wear 90% of the time at the moment. Throw in a neck tie and it's standard uniform for me this spring. I've lived in this fur coat to the point where the lining has completely disintegrated, which could be put down to my arm chub or my incessant layering - I hope the latter.

I def need to get my butt into gear and take some outfitty pics again soon. I think I have about three or four sets to share before I can even post new stuff so I might mix n' match for a bit till I'm all caught up.

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Style Update: A moment in Monte Carlo

What to wear in Monte Carlo
For some reason the Breton stripes of my closet called to me as I was packing for Monte Carlo this season. There's something about that French Riviera that has me going gag for a horizontal stripe. In reality, there's no coincidence there at all. Get ready, I'm about to give you a mini history lesson on the Breton Stripe and why it fits right in on the French Riviera.

First of all, the Breton stripe was actually developed as a uniform for French sailors - if they ever fell overboard, the stripes made them easier to see. So this fashion icon actually has a practical beginning. Who would have thunk it? So truly, it finds its home at sea already. However, it was the uber genius of Coco Chanel that made this a fashion staple for the holiday set on the French Riviera. It was introduced as part of Chanel's nautical collection in the early 1900s. The rest, as they say, is history. And here I am, just under a hundred years later, paying homage to the greatness of Coco and the region that inspired the design in the first place. Hello, Monte Carlo - I'm here and I'm embracing a stripe themed ensemble! 

Ps. Bag is from one of my fav shops in Notting Hill: The Jacksons 

What to wear in Monte Carlo
What to wear in Monte Carlo
What to wear in Monte Carlo
What to wear in Monte Carlo
What to wear in Monte Carlo

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Sephora Haul


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Tuesday 10 May 2016

Why you need to see the Grand Canyon

I've actually been to the Grand Canyon before. Last year I went on a Trek America with some pals and it was awesome but I was also tired, broken and felt like I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have done and it was something I really regretted. I knew on my recent trip to the US I was going to make the 4+ hour drive from Vegas to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon and appreciate it properly.

It’s weird as you walk onto Bright Angel trail to make the epic hike down to the bottom. You soon realise you’re stepping on rocks that are like a million years old. Rocks that have been there since the dawn of time while the dinosaurs trotted over and probably perished on at some point too. You’re stepping on a part of history and thats pretty bloody cool.

It’s hard to capture the beauty and sereneness of the place - Its pure unspoiled canyon land. Red rocks for as far as the eye can see. Mesa's dotted around and towers of endlessly stacked toppling rocks that  look like they could erode any second, all flourishing around the icy blue Colorado River.

If you ever have the opportunity to I totally recommend taking the time to visit the Grand Canyon. South Rim, not the West which is a pure tourist trap. Avoid the gift shops and pomp and stay for at least two days if you can. Visit it properly like I did the second time and take in every second of it’s being rather than just ticking it off your bucket list. Been there done that just isnt enough. I went to Ankor Wat a couple of years ago and experienced the same sort of thing, but it was incredibly packed and nothing compared to the peace and simple stillness of the Grand Canyon.

It is a spiritual and sort of out of body experience, In some ways being there made me forget all about the things in my life that bothered me and I allowed myself to take in the beauty of my surroundings without fear worries or sadness. Go see the Grand Canyon and experience something pure and unspoiled by modern life. 

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What A Difference A Day Made

Every new day is an opportunity to start over again.

2016 has been kind to me so far, small and big changes that I’ve lived to embrace. I think the biggest lesson has been that you are never fully ready for the things that come at you, this is exactly when life tends to thrown you the ball. Maybe to keep your senses alert or because a rehearsed catch is never as fully lived as the spontaneous one. I believe a large part good happenings is us getting rewarded for the risks and sacrifices we make, I’ve seen a lot of them lately, on the love front, job front and with my overall inner thoughts.

I am talking about changes that don’t happen over night, from everything to being kinder to myself, to learning what it means to be present in my current life. These are things that we all struggle with, some more than other. As an Influencer, it’s no shocker to tell you that I’ve spent a lot of time in the ‘more’ section, this is why I am thankful of new beginnings. The sun rises every morning, what a difference a day makes, right?

So to honour my new beginnings and my resolutions to become a better listener, I practically jumped on the opportunity to share my story together with Rituals, a brand that is all about celebrating the small pleasures in life. The #LetLifeBlossom campaign welcome’s the brand new look of the iconic Sakura. The range is seeing a sleek packaging makeover that aims all senses. The rice milk based, Cherry blossom infused collection, embodies happiness and abundance, leaving you with a healthy glow…. Not to mention it’s pretty damn Instagram friendly.

London has it magical little ways of telling us when we’ve finally entered the new season, I am of course talking about the Cherry Blossom trees that covers our city. The ultimate Sakura experience is however to be experienced in Japan, where the ‘Hanami Matsuri’, flower viewing tradition gathers people every spring to celebrate nature’s rebirth and the fleeting beauty of the fragile flowers, as a metaphor for life itself. Isn't it amazing what a meaningful role a flower can take? I am not the one to say no to the little, simple pleasures in life. That is the person I aspire to be, someone that live in so much feeling. With my heart on my sleeve and no fear of judgement.

Whilst we all know change starts from the inside, I wanted you to see it as well. So I am staring with the small things like new hair, new skin routine - as seen here soaked in the new favourite body cream. New ideas but overall a promise to take better care of myself, both from the inside and the outside, the physical and the mental.

For your chance to win one of the limited edition Rituals Sakura collection gift boxes simply visit Rituals and jump into the Blossom Booth. Click here for the details.

In collaboration with Rituals
Photos by Mikko Puttonen

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