Monday 27 July 2015

Shoe of the month: Christian Louboutin 'So Kate 120mm'


Christian Louboutin 'So Kate 120mm' in black patent
Other favourites in black leather | red | nude snake | metallic python | and boots
Best of budget versions at here | herehere

Hold your breath while I introduce to you my without a doubt, favourite, sexiest, most beautiful pair of heels. I’m of course talking about my Christian Louboutin ‘So Kate’ pumps, with whom I share a stormy, feisty, love-hate relationship. These awake many emotions in me because whilst they are in my eyes the perfect shoe (it’s the arch of the foot that seals the satisfaction) and they go with absolute everything I own, they are simultaneously somewhat impossible to walk in, even sitting down in these is uncomfortable. However that does not stop us Louboutin possessed women to hunt these down, including yours truly that looked for these over 6 months after hearing ‘sold out’  from sales assistants all over Europe. Strangely these are not available in France, where I counted on finding these, I ended up picking them up from the Mayfair store after some (yet more) calling around last fall.

I was originally in the hunt for the ‘Pigalle', which is another sultry Louboutin classic but the model was changed in late 2013 with updates that included a thicker heel curve, lowered back and a higher vamp - all changes that makes the heel to appear lower and dulls down the shoe. I guess the change was made for added comfort and to differentiate them from the new 'So Kate', which made my choice quite simple. Comfort did not play an important part is this purchase, like Louboutin once said ‘my priority is design, beauty and sexiness’. So what makes these so special? It’s the hight that makes your foot arch so beautifully, the heel thinner than a cigarette and the single sole that stretches out to a perfect pointed toe… I could talk about these shoes for a decade.

The ‘So Kate’ was created for fall 2013 and named after Loubs fan Kate Moss. The style now comes in a variety of different colours and finishes, including classics, seasonals and a boot version. My choice of black patent was set in stone as I love the combination if shiny black and the red sole. You’ve surely spotted these in action, here and in my most liked photos on Instagram, I have yet to find an outfit that these would not complete. They are OK for short wear, preferably for inside events and ideal for not leaving the house at all (you know what I mean…) Don’t wear these if you are going to have to walk around outside much because the red sole scratches easily. My pair have experienced a lot in the last 10 months as I believe even the prettiest shoes are meant to be worn, but also because I’m planning to buy another pair in the near future that I’ll save for more ‘delicate’ wear.

Comfort: 1/5
I’m not going lie, my most uncomfortable pair! However after wearing them for 10 minutes or so, you feet become numb (possibly starts dying) so the pain calms down a bit…
Quality: 4/5 
The patent leather and finishing is beautiful down to every detail, however, the red sole scratches really easy and starts wearing off if worn outside.
Purchase price: £425 from the Christian Louboutin store in London in September 2014.
The price varies from £425 - £2,195 online, depending on the finish.
Sizing: Runs true to size.

It’s often recommended to go down half a size with Louboutins but I bought these in a 37, my usual size and they have stayed perfect without too much stretching.

Photos by Mikko Puttonen

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