Thursday 5 May 2016

Introducing System Professional: Bad hair does not have to happen to good people

system professional wella
system professional wella
Here's my first truth, and it's important I mention this. This time last week I hated my hair - officially. Ok, that's not entirely fair. I didn't hate my actual hair follicles, I just hated myself for lobbing off as many inches as I did back in February. I wanted a change and I went for an epic chop that has left me feeling a little less than fabulous as of late. The cut was amazing, truly it was, but me with short hair is a love affair that really was never meant to last. Or at least this was my thinking last week. Then a little birdie called me into Wella - a haircare company I've been working with for years now and have trusted for just as long. They are responsible for introducing me to the "hair men" in my life and I've enjoyed amazing cuts and colour changes ever since. They also have now introduced me to a product range that has, in a word, "transformed" my relationship with my hair.

Now, this story will actually come to you in two parts - the introduction and the progression. The introduction is important because it will give you the info you need to know about now, in order to decide whether or not this whole hair transformation is for you. It will also showcase that this  experience actually changes the quality and texture of your hair after just one interaction with the product line. Yeah, yeah, I can feel you saying "get on with it already - what are you talking about?"

Let me first ask a question - why is it that we spend hundreds of pounds a year on skincare to keep us looking young and then reach for a bottle of cheap drugstore shampoo when it comes to our hair? We all know nothing can make you feel better than a great hair day- which really can only happen when you have great hair. I'm just keeping things honest. Yet we treat the products we use on our hair as sort of an afterthought. I can't tell you how many hotel shampoos and conditioners I've used over the past year and I don't even want to think about what that's done to the state of my hair. I say all of this with purpose, because the hair brand Wella have introduced a product line that is intended to keep hair healthy - at its absolute best, if you will- between cuts. It's a series of products called System Professional and it's so unique, to each human's head of hair, that the system comes in over 174 million combinations. 
system professional wella
So, here I am, sitting with the fabulous set at Wella, including the brand ambassador, - hair guru, Bruno Marc- and I find myself completely enthralled with the entire process. I am asked what I hate about my hair and what I love, what are my biggest worries and my biggest challenges. Naturally, Bruno (who truly is a hair god) hears that I battle volume problems and decided that I not only need a great product to help me at the roots, I also need some layers put into my hair to combat the bigger problem of a blunt cut volume killer.  So, out come the scissors and I'm given a new cut. Sadly, that doesn't come with every System Professional experience, but here's what does: a transformation in your hair. 

Now, I was assured that after just one application of products that I would see an instant result. Can I tell you how many times I've heard this since writing FFG? Countless times! You know how many times the results have matched the promises? Well, this is the first. I am way too polite and tell PRs I'm so happy at the time and then never write about the experience as I don't want to point you guys in the wrong direction. This time around, the Wella System Professional worked. It did. My hair was bouncy, shiny and silky - three things I have never before had in combination. I walked out of the salon swishing my hair around like I was a walking shampoo advert. Honestly, I think people on the streets thought I had some nervous twitch. Although, my uber driver did tell me I had the shiniest hair he had ever seen on a woman. No, really he said that. Sadly, I ruined the moment by asking him if he had seen shinier on something else, such as a well groomed dog. Some people just don't get my humor. I don't do compliments well. 
system professional wella
So, I was "prescribed" four products in the end. I was given a volumizing shampoo, a purity mask conditioner for my scalp, an alpha hydroxy spray to help with scalp health (again) and to lend some big bounce to the hair, and finally a serum to help with split ends. Basically, my hair was in a bit of a state and it needed to go to the doctor - Dr. System Professional. 
system professional wella
Let's say you're interested in learning more. First, I'll say that this, again, is just my introduction to the product. I will be writing again in two weeks to let you know how I get on with the progress in my at-home-hair-transformation. If you are looking to get in on the action you can do so now.

First step - hop online and answer the EnergyCode Speedmapping questions.

Step two - discover your product range and order free samples to try out the system.

Step three - get that full product range ordered and show off some shiny locks in the sunshine (yes, the sun has finally come out in London).


Step into a System Professional Salon and get the professionals to help you from start to finish. 

Right then... I'm off to keep this hair train rolling. See you back here in two weeks with an update (and maybe a few shares on instagram in the meantime) 

Fashion Foie Gras was a guest of Wella in house in London and is working in collaboration with the brand. 

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