Tuesday, 15 December 2015

"What a girl wants" for Christmas Day 16: POWER!

We've all been there. You need to reply to an email, send an instagram the way the app was intended- instantly - or you're in the middle of a phone call and your phone decides to die. No, the phone doesn't have a hidden agenda - the phone makers do! While technology has improved dramatically over the past decade, it seems the one thing no phone manufacturer wants to budge on is the gift of unlimited power. Instead we are all left constantly plugged in. Phone batteries stink. I'm sorry, that's rude and horrible to write, but there's no other way of describing the endless frustration.

Now that I've had my little rant, I'll tell you about the product that was placed in my hands this year that changed all of that for me - the Mophie battery pack. This bad boy has kept my thumbs a'tweeting, my ears a'listening and my photo finger clicking 120% more than it would be able to on a daily basis. That's right... this battery pack gives you an extra 120% battery life. Your phone slots right in and it actually makes it a lot easier to keep hold of. It's sturdy, does the job and isn't hideous. That's a plus point. Anyone attached to their mobile phone needs this in their life. Oh wait, everyone's attached. This is Christmas present heaven!

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